Can you hear me now?

I would really value your prayers for tomorrow evening, Tuesday, May 24, when God willing, I will be hosting a one hour live call in radio program (the Andrew Tallman show). Andrew is taking a well earned break and has asked me to fill in for him.

My subject will be “Divine Election” as well as handling some of the many objections that are often raised by the subject. The show can be heard live across the Phoenix area on KXEG radio at 1360AM at 6:00 p.m. (9:00 p.m. EST) and also live on the internet (same time of course) at – (when you get there, click on the “Listen Live” button at the top of the page)

(For those wanting to listen in on the internet live broadcast, here is a website giving you the current time in each time zone around the world. For instance, 6:00 p.m. Tuesday in Phoenix is 2:00 am Wednesday in the United Kingdom.)

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