Atheism – a frivolous exercise in intellectual contempt

HT: Coggin Baptist Church

Ravi Zacharias, regarding the atheistic worldview:

In the field of science when it comes to answering the question of God’s existence—


Think about it. If science has definitively disproven the existence of God and the scriptures, then doesn’t it necessarily follow that all reputable scientists be Atheist, or at the very least Agnostic*?

John Polkinghorne is one of the worlds leading quantum physicists and he came to the exact opposite conclusion (as the young man questioning) with the exact same data while being the Dean at Cambridge. The “scientific position” is often portrayed as a united front—An army of the enlightened, ready to pound theism into dust. Do not be deceived. Their unity is a mirage.

David Berlinski, a leading philosopher who has also worked in mathematics and physics, claims to be Agnostic, and borders on Atheism. This excerpt is from His book entitled The Devil’s Delusion (which was written in response to Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion), and while he is a scientist, his view on what science, atheism, and naturalism* has offered humanity is stunning.

“Has anyone provided a proof of God’s inexistence? Not even close.

Has quantum cosmology* explained the emergence of the universe or why it is here? Not even close.

Have the sciences explained why our universe seems to be fine-tuned to allow for the existence of life? Not even close.

Are physicists and biologists willing to believe in anything so long as it is not religious thought? Close enough.

Has rationalism* in moral thought provided us with an understanding of what is good, what is right, and what is moral? Not close enough.

Has secularism* in the terrible twentieth century been a force for good? Not even close to being close.

Is there a narrow and oppressive orthodoxy of thought and opinion within the sciences? Close enough.

Does anything in the sciences or in their philosophy justify the claim that religious belief is irrational?
Not even ballpark.

Is scientific atheism a frivolous exercise in intellectual contempt? Dead on.”


* Atheism – system of belief that asserts there is no god. Affirms the only form of existence is the material universe.

* Agnostic – sees any discussion regarding the existence of god as irrelevant because God cannot be proven or disproven. They are neither for, nor against a deity.

* Naturalism – form of atheism that teaches the natural universe is the sum total of reality, which negates human freedom, absolute values, and why we exist.

*Quantum Cosmology – field that attempts to study how the universe came to be.

* Secularism – belief system that denies the existence of God, religion, and supernatural order by maintaining that reality only entails the material world.

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