This Morning…

I had an interesting interaction this morning on the internet. A lady I know in another state wrote to me saying…

6:56 a.m. EST – M: “I am asking for prayers for my sister- she was found by my brother hanging in her closet and is still alive but on a ventilator and they are not detecting any brain activity- Thanks.”

8:49 a.m. EST – Me: “oh nooooo – of course – praying..”

10:15 a.m. EST – M: “Thank you for your prayers!!! She just opened her eyes!”

11:31 a.m. EST – Me: “wow – thank you Jesus – let me know when you know more.”

As I say, I don’t know any more details than this, but its interesting to note what rises in our hearts when we hear something like this. Unbelief? Thanksgiving to God? perhaps what we call a healthy scepticism (believe it when we see it approach)?

I really am not sure about what happened today exactly. All I know is what I have written here, but I am reminded of the words of Martin Luther, “The Holy Spirit is not a sceptic.”

Just something to ponder.

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