One thought on “Behind the Smile of Francis

  1. Beautiful message, John, and most important, it’s a totally true message forgotten by most “protestants”. I wish I heard such messages in my own church. Sadly, these truths, based on the Bible and on history itself, have been so severely compromised in the modern protestant churches (especially those calling themselves evangelical) during the past 50 years, that they are no longer taught, and if they were to be taught, they would be angrily rejected by many protestants, including so-called leaders and scholars as well as average churchgoers. To do so is to be disapproved, censured or worse. A spirit of false ecumenism (which always yields to Romanism) has invaded and pervaded, so that the huge differences between the Roman system and Biblical Christianity on essential doctrines, are now unrecognized and not acknowledged, but rather, are denied. Too many who have become disaffected by their original religion of Roman Catholicism have switched over to “protestant” churches without being taught the difference between the official teachings of Rome and its papal system, and the teachings of the Bible. Consequently, they do not understand that conversion means they must reject and renounce Romanism and rely on Christ alone for salvation. They still have a connection with Rome and are offended by criticism of it, much less condemnation and rejection of its false teachings, which are blasphemies. God is with you, and I could hear the deep sentiment and humble reverence in your voice when you said, “God help me.” He is with you. Fear not.

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