2 thoughts on “Banned from the Mormon Classroom

  1. It’s reminiscent of Orwell’s 1984. I think we’ll consistently find that the cult like religions have a tendency to bury their past. They all do it, Mormons, JWs, and the rest. When you are juggling the falsehoods of man made doctrines it becomes a must. This makes the true Gospel shine even more. Our God is immutable, the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. We don’t need a prophet to periodically revise what we call the truth (Mormonism). We don’t need to make the excuse that the light gets brighter and brighter to cover up doctrinal error (JW’s)…When we walk in truth the need to modify history doesn’t exist. It doesn’t mean that we don’t sin. We still err, but we hold our sins up to the light of God’s immutable Word as Paul did regarding himself, and with the grace of God given through repentance leave those things behind holding to the gold standard of the bible, God’s word.

  2. An additional thought with regard to changing doctrine whether true or false due to social pressure and the potential loss of 501C3 as was the case with the Mormon church right before the change made in 1978 allowing blacks into their sacred priesthood…
    I see the same thing happening again regarding LGBT issues and same sex marriage. Mormon leaders are already making concessions to LGBT. My personal guess is that they’re doing this in hopes that the LGBT camp will offer them lattitude in the future. There is already a move toward slogans passed around in the Mormon church to make allowance for these ‘alternate lifestyles’.
    Keep an eye on this one. I think we’re going to see a compromise when their 501C3 is at stake again. Off in the future the Mormon church will again prohibit discussions about what it was like when the church condemned homosexuality in all it’s forms. Sorry about the double post.

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