Miscellaneous Quotes (103)

quotes“Denominations are good, not bad, because they allow each church to follow Jesus according to conscience, and they keep strife between Christians of different convictions at bay… Keep clear fences but keep them low, and shake hands over them often.” – Mark Dever

“If you are drawn into a controversy, use very hard arguments and very soft words.” – C.H. Spurgeon

“On every university campus I visit, somebody stands up and says that God is an evil God to allow all this evil into our world. This person typically says, ‘A plane crashes: Thirty people die, and twenty people live. What kind of a God would arbitrarily choose some to live and some to die?’”
I continued, “but when we play God and determine whether a child within a mother’s womb should live, we argue for that as a moral right. So when human beings are given the privilege of playing God, it’s called a moral right. When God plays God, we call it an immoral act. Can you justify this for me?”
That was the end of the conversation.” – Ravi Zacharias

“I am convinced that God saved me by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. I did nothing to merit this salvation. There is nothing in me that turned God’s eye in my direction. There is no vestige of goodness that compelled him to look my way. I was not seeking him when he began seeking me. It was all of his grace without even the smallest bit of my merit. I added nothing to my salvation but the sin that made it necessary.” – Tim Challies

“Are you too bad to receive grace? How could you be too bad to receive what is for the bad?” – David Powlison

“To my “non-radical” Muslim friends—and I have a few—please, gentlemen, where are the full, documented, compelling articles not only condemning, but demonstrating with devastating insight the non-Islamic nature, of the actions of ISIS and Boko Haram? If these acts of terror, murder, and simply Satanic evil, were being purpetrated in the name of Christianity, the web would be full of condemnations along with strong biblical argumentation demonstrating the inconsistency of the actions with fundamental Biblical norms. I think this is fulfilling one of my constant observations of the current situation within worldwide Islam: the various groups appeal to an inherently insufficient core of revelation/law/documents to decide these debates. The Qur’an is too obtuse, too lacking in historical and cultural context, to speak with any level of clarity to all but a small number of issues; the hadith can be understood to teach almost anything, depending on which hadith traditions you emphasize and how you interpret them. So we are left with the unabashed face of evil in the men of ISIS and Boko Haram, men acting at a level beneath that of animals, demonically inspired promoters of evil, screaming the name of Allah as they shed blood, rape, and pillage, and yet we do not see other Islamic nations stepping in to protect those who are suffering so terribly at the hands of those they would say, in some settings, are acting “unIslamically.”” – Dr. James White

“The Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword, and the Christian’s charter. Here Paradise is restored, Heaven opened and the gates of Hell disclosed. Christ is its grand subject, our good its design, and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened at the judgment, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, rewards the greatest labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents.” – The Gideons

“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” – Sir Isaac Newton, Quoted in Dao, C. 2008. Man of Science, Man of God: Isaac Newton. Acts & Facts. 37 (5): 8.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain

“There are no short cuts to any place worth going.”

“The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.”

“If you don’t change the direction that you are going, then you’re likely to end up where you’re heading.” – John Maxwell

“It would be a very sharp and trying experience to me to think that I have an affliction which God never sent me, that the bitter cup was never filled by his hand, that my trials were never measured out by him, nor sent to me by his arrangement of their weight and quantity.” – Charles H. Spurgeon

“This church has existed from the beginning of the world and will be to the end, for Christ is an eternal king who cannot be without subjects.” – Article 27 of the Belgic Confession

“Unless there is an element of risk in our exploits for God, there is no need for faith.” – Hudson Taylor

“What is Grace? Grace is a provision for men who are so fallen that they cannot lift the axe of justice, so corrupt that they cannot change their own natures, so averse to God that they cannot turn to Him, so blind that they cannot see Him, so deaf that they cannot hear Him, and so dead that He Himself must open their graves and lift them into resurrection.” – G.S. Bishop

“Hard core Antinomianism tells people it does not matter how they live . . . A more subtle strand of Antinomianism simply refuses to tell people how to live. They do not deny that holiness is important, but they don’t want to talk about effort. They will not dare tell people that how you live now might keep you out of heaven . . . We know that the law can convict of sin and lead us to Christ, but for all practical purposes we have lost the third use of the law, the law as a pattern for righteousness. This is not about earning anything. It is about living out who we are by God’s grace.” – Kevin DeYoung, Underestimated Gospel, p. 104.

When once the fiery law of God
Has chas’d me to the gospel road;
Then back unto the holy law
Most kindly gospel-grace will draw. – Ralph Erskine

“We affirm that the shape of Christian discipleship is congregational, that God’s purpose is evident in faithful Gospel congregations … We deny that any Christian can truly be a faithful disciple apart from the teaching, discipline, fellowship and accountability of a congregation of fellow disciples, organized as a Gospel church. We further deny that the Lord’s Supper can faithfully be administered apart from the right practice of church discipline.” Article XIV of the t4g conference

“The power of God unto salvation lies in the message, not in the messenger or the means . . . The sower is not the issue here. It doesn’t matter in the least whether he is using a beat-up, tattered burlap seed bag, or a designer seed bag. We don’t need to hear what he looks like, how smart he is, or whether his academic credentials are impressive. Those things are perfectly irrelevant to the question of what causes the seed to grow. The sower’s role is only instrumental.” – Dr. John MacArthur

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