One thought on “Limited Atonement

  1. Thanks for this broadcast John. Reminded me of my own grappling with this doctrine. What clinched it for me was a combination of The High Priestly prayer and the specific Stones on the Breastplate worn over the heart of the High Priest. As you so rightly said – once you see it, you see it everywhere. At the time I was asking a lot of ministers about this and the beat advice came from Stuart Olyott when he said ‘you need to see it for yourself’. In other words, you need to search the Scriptures!

    It took me a lot longer than 9 months though! At the time I was involved in an Open-Air preaching ministry and needed to sort out – what do we say to people. To cut a long story short: Particular Redemption means we can offer a full Gospel of absolute certainty. Praise God Jesus came and completed the work and not some sort of half-hearted effort.

    Thanks again for the broadcast. Will reblog it.

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