Happy Birthday 2 Today

This blog got started exactly two years ago today. Back on November 2, I wrote, “A blog (or weblog) is a kind of online journal… this is a place where I share what’s currently on my heart and mind. Its where I share things that are fun; things that make smile; make me laugh, and where I pass on things I am learning and things that really make me think and ponder. In other words, its a place where I do my thinking out loud. Many times I will share my own thoughts entirely. At other times I will point to other people who have said something that has impacted me that I think is worthwhile for us all to consider. So this is a place where I share what I am currently learning about life and things that interest me about our world, as well as the God I love and the amazing treasures I am discovering in His word, and their practical application to our everyday lives.”

1,412 posts covering 227 different categories later, I’d love to hear how this site has been a blessing.

Each of you are busy people I know, but if you can take a few moments to write something about your experience with the blog, I would love to hear from you. Remember, if you do decide to write, please try to be nice to the birthday boy. He’s only two you know. 🙂

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