From A Disciple

“But when our wickedness had reached its height, punishment and death, was impending over us; and when the time had come which God had before appointed for manifesting His own kindness and power, how the one love of God, through exceeding regard for men, did not regard us with hatred, nor thrust us away, nor remember our iniquity against us, but showed great long-suffering, and bore with us, He Himself took on Him the burden of our iniquities, He gave His own Son as a ransom for us, the holy One for transgressors, the blameless One for the wicked, the righteous One for the unrighteous, the incorruptible One for the corruptible, the immortal One for them that are mortal. For what other thing was capable of covering our sins than His righteousness? By what other one was it possible that we, the wicked and ungodly, could be justified, than by the only Son of God? O sweet exchange! O unsearchable operation! O benefits surpassing all expectation! that the wickedness of many should be hid in a single righteous One, and that the righteousness of One should justify many transgressors!”

The quote is from The Epistle to Diognetus 9, translated by Roberts-Donaldson. This text dates from early to mid 2nd century AD. It is an early indication that the doctrines of substitutionary atonement and double imputation were not first the product of the Protestant Reformation, but were held dear by the earliest generations of Christians. The author is unknown – he refers to himself simply as a mathetes “disciple”.

Miscellaneous Quotes (35)

“Those who WANT to think the worst about you will always pass on a false report without checking to see if it’s true first.” Anon

“I have made this letter longer than usual, only because I have not had time to make it shorter.” – Mark Twain

“There is as much providence in the creeping of an aphis upon a rose leaf as in the marching of an army to ravage a continent.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“Remember God has accepted us. The gospel of grace is a message of breathtaking freedom. It must be embraced with faith and thanksgiving. You are thoroughly accepted just as you are. Jesus Christ is your righteousness and he is never going to change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. When you wake tomorrow, he will still be your righteousness, before you have done anything to enjoy God’s favour. You have to earn nothing. Your spirit needs to bask in the brilliant sunlight of this reality. You need to know it inwardly and celebrate it on a daily basis.” – Terry Virgo

“If you follow this advice, if you first recognize that you are a child of wrath by nature, guilty of eternal death and damnation, from which no creature, either man or angel, is able to save you, and if you then grasp God’s promise, believing that he has sent Christ, his only Son, to render satisfaction for your sin, to give you his innocence and righteousness, and finally to redeem you from all danger and death, then do not doubt that you belong to the little flock of the elect.” – Martin Luther

“It is most misleading to call this soteriology “Calvinism” at all, for it is not a peculiarity of John Calvin and the divines of Dort, but a part of the revealed truth of God and the catholic (universal) Christian faith. “Calvinism” is one of the “odious names” by which down the centuries prejudice has been raised against it. But the thing itself is just the biblical gospel.” – J.I. Packer

“Reformed theology so far transcends the mere five points of Calvinism that it is an entire worldview.” – R.C. Sproul

“We have now seen the three tactics which the devil employed in his overall strategy to destroy the church. First, he tried through the Jewish authorities to suppress it by force; secondly through the married couple Ananias and Sapphira to corrupt it by hypocrisy; and thirdly through some squabbling widows to distract its leadership from prayer and preaching, and so expose it to error and evil. If he had succeeded in any of these attempts, the new community of Jesus would have been annihilated in its infancy. But the apostles were sufficiently alert to detect ‘the devil’s schemes.’ We need their spiritual discernment today to recognize the activity of both the Holy Spirit and the evil spirit. We also need their faith in the strong name of Jesus by whose authority alone the powers of darkness can be overthrown.” – John R. W. Stott, The Message of Acts (Downers Grove, 1990), page 124.

God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Romans 5:5

“The Comforter gives a sweet and plentiful evidence and persuasion of the love of God to us, such as the soul is taken, delighted, satiated withal. This is his work, and he doth it effectually. To give a poor sinful soul a comfortable persuasion, affecting it throughout, in all its faculties and affections, that God in Jesus Christ loves him, delights in him, is well pleased with him, hath thoughts of tenderness and kindness towards him; to give, I say, a soul an overflowing sense hereof, is an inexpressible mercy.” – John Owen, Works (Edinburgh, 1980), II:240.

“The little birds that sing, sing of God; the beasts clamor for him; the elements dread him, the mountains echo him, the fountains and flowing waters cast their glances at him, and the grass and flowers laugh before him.” – John Calvin, quoted in Timothy George, Theology of the Reformers (Nashville, 1988), pages 192-193.

“No man ever fell into error through being too watchful.” – C.H. Spurgeon

“Spiritual pride takes great notice of opposition and injuries that are received and is apt to be often speaking of them and to be much in taking notice of their aggravations, either with an air of bitterness or contempt. Whereas pure and unmixed Christian humility disposes a person rather to be like his blessed Lord, when reviled, dumb, not opening his mouth, but committing himself in silence to him that judges righteously… It becomes the followers of the Lamb of God, when the world is in an uproar about them and full of clamor against them, not to raise another noise to answer it but to be still and quiet… Meekness and quietness among God’s people, when opposed and reviled, would be the surest way to have God remarkably to appear for their defense… Nothing is so effectual to bring God down from heaven in the defense of his people as their patience and meekness under sufferings.” – Jonathan Edwards, “Thoughts on the Revival,” in Works (Edinburgh, 1979), I:401.

“Men will never worship God with a sincere heart, or be roused to fear and obey Him with sufficient zeal, until they properly understand how much they are indebted to His mercy.” – John Calvin

“Dead fish swim down the stream–living fish swim against it. To swim against the common stream of evil, shows grace to be alive.” – Thomas Watson

“Before He furnishes the abundant supply, we must first be made conscious of our emptiness. Before he gives strength, we must be made to feel our weakness. Slow, painfully slow, are we to learn this lesson; and slower still to own our nothingness and take the place of helplessness before the Mighty One.” – A.W. Pink

“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved to be steady… [It] is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point [of attack].” – Martin Luther

“In commanding us to glorify him, God is inviting us to enjoy him.” – C.S. Lewis

“The elect are gathered into Christ’s flock by a call not immediately at birth, and not all at the same time, but according as it pleases God to dispense his grace to them. But before they are gathered unto that supreme Shepherd, they wander scattered in the wilderness common to all; and they do not differ at all from others except that they are protected by God’s especial mercy from rushing headlong into the final ruin of death. If you look upon them, you will see Adam’s offspring, who savor of the common corruption of the mass. The fact that they are not carried to utter and even desperate impiety is not due to any innate goodness of theirs but because the eye of God watches over their safety and his hand is outstretched to them!” – John Calvin
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The 11 Commandments of Missions

William Carey (17 August 1761 – 9 June 1834) is known as “the father of modern missions.” A strong Calvinist, he relied on a deep knowledge of God’s Sovereignty, and reached out to a world that was in desperate need of the Gospel of Christ. Carey’s impact on the world was remarkable and today he has at least seven colleges named after him. His most famous quote – “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.”

Here are what he considered to be eleven essential elements of the missionary endeavor:

1. Set an infinite value on immortal souls.

2. Gain all the information you can about “the snares and delusions in which these heathens are held.”

3. Abstain from all English manners which might increase prejudice against the gospel.

4. Watch for all opportunities for doing good, even when you are tired and hot.

5. Make Christ crucified the great subject of your preaching.

6. Earn the people’s confidence by your friendship.

7. Build up the souls that are gathered.

8. Turn the work over to “the native brethren” as soon as possible.

9. Work with all your might to translate the Bible into their languages. Build schools to this end.

10. Stay alert in prayer, wrestling with God until he “famish these idols and cause the heathen to experience the blessedness that is in Christ.”

11. Give yourself totally to this glorious cause. Surrender your time, gifts, strength, families, the very clothes you wear.

Listed in Christian History, Issue 36, page 34.

HT: Ray Ortlund

Friday Round Up

(1) C. H. Spurgeon on the use of humor:

“Sometimes, anecdotes have force in them on account of their appealing to the sense of the ludicrous. Of course, I must be very careful here, for it is a sort of tradition of the fathers that it is wrong to laugh on Sundays. The eleventh commandment is, that we are to love one another, and then, according to some people, the twelfth is, “Thou shalt pull a long face on Sunday.” I must confess that I would rather hear people laugh than I would see them asleep in the house of God; and I would rather get the truth into them through the medium of ridicule than I would have the truth neglected, or leave the people to perish through lack of reception of the truth. I do believe in my heart that there may be as much holiness in a laugh as in a cry; and that, sometimes, to laugh is the better thing of the two, for I may weep, and be murmuring, and repining, and thinking all sorts of bitter thoughts against God; while, at another time, I may laugh the laugh of sarcasm against sin, and so evince a holy earnestness in the defence of the truth. I do not know why ridicule is to be given up to Satan as a weapon to be used against us, and not to be employed by us as a weapon against him. I will venture to affirm that the Reformation owed almost as much to the sense of the ridiculous in human nature as to anything else, and that those humorous squibs and caricatures, that were issued by the friends of Luther, did more to open the eyes of Germany to the abominations of the priesthood than the more solid and ponderous arguments against Romanism. I know no reason why we should not, on suitable occasions, try the same style of reasoning. “It is a dangerous weapon,” it will be said, “and many men will cut their fingers with it.” Well, that is their own look-out; but I do not know why we should be so particular about their cutting their fingers if they can, at the same time, cut the throat of sin, and do serious damage to the great adversary of souls.” – [Spurgeon, C. H. (2009). Lectures to my Students, Vol. 3: The Art of Illustration; Addresses Delivered to the students of the Pastors’ College, Metropolitan Tabernacle (43–44). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.]

(2) Quotes to ponder:

“The elect are gathered into Christ’s flock by a call not immediately at birth, and not all at the same time, but according as it pleases God to dispense his grace to them. But before they are gathered unto that supreme Shepherd, they wander scattered in the wilderness common to all; and they do not differ at all from others except that they are protected by God’s especial mercy from rushing headlong into the final ruin of death. If you look upon them, you will see Adam’s offspring, who savor of the common corruption of the mass. The fact that they are not carried to utter and even desperate impiety is not due to any innate goodness of theirs but because the eye of God watches over their safety and his hand is outstretched to them!” – John Calvin

“I have taken all my good deeds, and all my bad, and cast them in a heap before the Lord, and fled from both, and betaken myself to the Lord Jesus Christ, and in him I have sweet peace.” – David Dickson, 1663

“You will find all true theology summed up in these two short sentences: Salvation is all of the grace of God. Damnation is all of the will of man.” – C. H. Spurgeon

“Remember God has accepted us. The gospel of grace is a message of breathtaking freedom. It must be embraced with faith and thanksgiving. You are thoroughly accepted just as you are. Jesus Christ is your righteousness and he is never going to change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. When you wake tomorrow, he will still be your righteousness, before you have done anything to enjoy God’s favour. You have to earn nothing. Your spirit needs to bask in the brilliant sunlight of this reality. You need to know it inwardly and celebrate it on a daily basis.” – Terry Virgo

(3) Once again, Ligonier has some excellent deals today in this week’s $5 Friday sale. The online sale starts at 8 a.m. EST and goes on for 24 hours or until items are sold out.

Check out the $5 Ligonier sale here.

(4) Repentance:

In April 1983 Jack Miller wrote to a young woman, responding to her concerns as to whether she is truly repentant, a real Christian. Here is the opening to Jack’s letter.

Dear Elise,

Thank you for your recent letter concerning your desire to know whether you have had a God-centered repentance. So set aside any fears that I might be unwilling to take time to help you. Perhaps I can help you if you will recognize that all I can do is be a small finger pointing to a large Christ. But if you trust yourself to Him be confident He is not only willing to help you but has the power to help you.

What do you need to know?… When you turn to Christ, you don’t have a repentance apart from Christ, you just have Christ. Therefore don’t seek repentance or faith as such but seek Christ. When you have Christ you have repentance and faith. Beware of seeking an experience of repentance; just seek an experience of Christ.

The Devil can be pretty tricky. He doesn’t mind you thinking much about repentance and faith if you do not think about Jesus Christ… Seek Christ, and relate to Christ as a loving Savior and Lord who wants to invite you to know him.

– The Heart of a Servant Leader: Letters from Jack Miller (P&R, 2004), 244-45

Simply Staggering!

“There are multiple volumes to write about each step in Romans 8:28-30’s outline. There is beauty within beauty within beauty. A mustard seed of faith planted in the broken heart of a desperate sinner is the culmination of God’s foreknowing this sinner from before the foundations of the earth. Even in eternity past God, in grace, predestining him in love for adoption as a cherished son. And then God sent his only begotten Son to provide the sinless atonement for him, that he could be justified by the righteousness of Christ upon the Spirit’s regenerating of his stony heart. It’s simply staggering, isn’t it? And that this seed of justifying faith would grow through the faithfulness of the Father to administer a sanctifying faith, again through the Spirit’s work, all the way to the promise of glorification, is more staggering still.” – Jared Wilson

Psalm 51

Sons of Korah’s rendition of this Psalm of David reveals a truly repentant heart.

Have mercy on me O God… create in me a pure heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Miscellaneous Quotes (34)

“Abortion is advocated only by people who have already been born.” – Ronald Reagan

“I defy the Pope and all his laws. If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy that driveth the plough to know more of the Scripture than he dost.” – William Tyndale

“At the Synod of Dort, the churches saw Arminianism as a serious threat to the gospel and condemned it “as being in principle a return to Rome” (because in effect it turned faith into a meritorious work) and a betrayal of the Reformation (because it denied the sovereignty of God in saving sinners, which was the deepest religious and theological principle of the Reformer’s thought). Arminianism was, indeed, in Reformed eyes a renunciation of New Testament Christianity in favour of New Testament Judaism; for to rely on oneself for faith is no different in principle from relying on oneself for works, and the one is as unchristian and anti-Christian as the other.” – J.I. Packer and O.R. Johnston, “Historical and Theological Introduction,” in Martin Luther, The Bondage of the Will, trans. J.I. Packer and O.R. Johnston (Cambridge: James Clarke/Westwood, N.J.: Revell,1957, p. 59)

“The loudest boos always come from the cheapest seats.” – Babe Ruth

“Bring your beliefs to the test of the Scriptures, and you are likely to discover that it is much harder and more painful to unlearn some things than it is to learn new ones.” – A.W. Pink

“I am one of those old-fashioned ministers who believe the whole Bible and everything that it contains.” – J.C. Ryle

“A man who wants to lead an orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” – James Crook

“Rudeness is the weak person’s imitation of strength.” – Eric Hoffer

“If things seem under control, you’re not going fast enough.” – Racer Mario Andretti

“In some places God requires newness of heart [Ezek 18:31]. But elsewhere he testifies that it is given by him [Ezek. 11:19; 36:26]. But what God promises we ourselves do not do through choice or nature; but he himself does through grace.”- Augustine

“Sin cannot keep you from the Grace of God but the Grace of God can keep you from sin.” – Unknown

“The soul hardly ever realizes it, but whether he is a believer or not, his loneliness is really a homesickness for God.” – Hubert Van Zeller
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Questions About Christianity

Warning: There is a whole lot of material in this blog post… Hopefully it can be a resource to come back to many times over.

Tim Keller, “This is Jesus”.

Talk #1: A Sceptical Student encounters Jesus

Talk #2: The Insider and the Outcast Encounter Jesus

Talk #3: Two Grieving Sisters Encounter Jesus

Talk #4: A Wedding Party Encounters Jesus

Talk #5: The First Christian Encounters Jesus

Dr. Keller also took time to take questions from those in attendance. Here are some of them:

What is Christianity’s stand on other religions and do we call people of other faiths our brothers and sisters?
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How Can We Tell If Our Repentance Is Deep Enough?

Phil Johnson has written an he said his sense of contrition feels as if it has diminished somewhat. When he sins, he isn’t always moved by the same profound sense of sorrow he felt at the first. He wonders if he has taken the promise of forgiveness too much for granted. Could it be that he was never truly saved? Questions such as those were keeping him awake nights, and he asked for my candid opinion.

This was my response:

It’s impossible to judge the depth of someone’s conviction or the genuineness of a believer’s penitence based on the potency of an emotional reaction alone. I personally think how a person responds emotionally is of very little value in evaluating repentance. Judas wept bitterly; Esau shed many tears. Neither of them truly repented. By contrast, the thief on the cross seemed almost stoically resigned to his fate. But there was enough genuine repentance in his dying plea that Jesus assured him of salvation on the spot.

It’s faith, not tears, that proves the reality of repentance. David, a man after God’s own heart, did sometimes weep over his sin, but not always. In that notorious instance when he sinned with Bath-Sheba, he tried for nearly a year to cover his sin without any evidence of remorse. What marked David as a man after God’s own heart was his faith, not the quality or depth of emotion associated with his repentance; not even the speed of his repentance.

Few people are genuinely and perpetually sodden with the sorrow of remorse all the time. And that is a good thing. As Christians we are commanded to be joyful and always rejoicing. The very thing David prayed for at the end of that year-long rebellion was that God would restore to him the joy of his salvation. There is a legitimate joy in salvation that in the usual circumstances of life overwhelms and overshadows the sorrow of repentance. That joy is a better gauge of your spiritual health than the feelings you get when you ponder how sinful you are.

As believers, we confess that in and of ourselves we are utterly wretched, so it is fitting that we should have sorrow (James 4:9). In fact, we will never be completely finished grieving over our sin and its destructive consequences until God Himself wipes away our tears in heaven. There certainly is “a time to weep . . . a time to mourn” (Ecclesiastes 3:4).

But that same text says there is “a time to laugh” and “a time to dance” as well. We don’t have to wallow perpetually in the shame of self-reproach in order to prove our repentance is real. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). After all, God’s “anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning” (Psalm 30:5).

If you hate sin and love Christ and confess before Him that you are indeed a helpless sinner, then I wouldn’t be over-analytical about the emotions you feel when you confess your sins. That kind of introspection will make you a fruitless Christian. Did you ever notice that qualities like regret and misery are missing from the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law” (Gal 2:22-23).

Scripture says, “Examine yourself to see whether you are in the faith” —not, “Dissect how you express your repentance to see if you have been piteous enough.”

My advice to you is to cultivate faith, not an emotional response. Emotions by definition rise and fall. They are neither the instrumental cause nor the evidence, much less the ground, of our justification. Faith is the instrument of justification, and the work of Christ is the ground of it. Focus on that, and your faith will grow, your joy will increase, and your emotions will take care of themselves.

How an Author Feels

I have never visited South Africa. In fact, I was told that a bookstore in Pretoria, South Africa has just pre-ordered 10 copies of my new book. I am sure that for many, this is very unremarkable news. For me, to learn of this was a delightful surprise.

In around 10 days “Twelve What Abouts” will be published in paperback form. I am excited, anxious and hopeful, all at the same time. I really wish that the book will become a rich source of blessing to His precious people. Near and far and in villages, towns and cities I might never get to, perhaps God may be pleased to use this book to cause many of His saints to know His word better, and even beyond that, draw them into an encounter with the Lord, as they experience His grace in a new and fresh way. If God were to do that, it would be so very wonderful.

Dan Phillips writes,

“Anyone who hasn’t had a book published shouldn’t be expected to understand how an author feels towards his oeuvres. It’s a little like being a parent: you want your child to do well. The difference is that a child is capable of taking what you’ve labored to give him and going far beyond what you’d hoped and dreamed, with his own God-given efforts… or he can turn it all to shame and pain. A book, on the other hand, has just what you’ve put into it. Then it’s up to God, marketers, reviewers, readers.

Those who love what the book is and does naturally want to see others discover and enjoy and profit from what they’ve found. Others just don’t want to hear of it anymore. It’s hard to understand how folks blame authors for being excited and invested; after all, if you weren’t passionately-committed, why would you bother to go through the hundreds (thousands?) of hours of effort to produce it? Yet some do…”

My Prayer:

Here’s my heart Lord and here’s my book – the book You graciously helped me to write. Not only have You sustained my life against many odds, You have saved me and shaped me in ways I never foresaw.

Just as Abraham was blessed with the miracle child Isaac, this book is something of a miracle too. You have helped me in ways only You know to give birth to a book, with content I could never have envisaged writing years ago. Through Your inner dealings with me, You shook my world to the core as I encountered You in ways I never imagined. Long before I ever set my hands to type on a keyboard, You shaped my life and my thinking by the revelation of Your word. I came to learn of Your mighty, effectual, all conquering grace, long after I first came to know You.

The journey has been a miracle of grace from start to finish. And yet, we are not finished. Only You know Your eternal purposes in all of this.

Now Lord, I present this book back to You. I place it on Your altar. Its Yours. Now, do with it all that You intend. Whether for many or for few, may it bless and instruct Your chosen ones, for Your glory alone. I ask this in the precious Name of Jesus. Amen.