Friday Round Up

(1) TRANSLATIONS: Please join with me in prayer regarding the exciting possibility of my new book “Twelve What Abouts – Answering Common Objections Concerning God’s Sovereignty in Election” being translated into two foreign languages. I have recently been approached by two Christian brothers, the other into French. Both projects are in the VERY initial stages so I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom and guidance very much.

“Sometimes a single misapprehension or sticky question stands in the way of an honest believer’s examination of the doctrines of grace. John Samson answers those questions with a pastoral heart, yet with biblical fidelity.” – Dr. James White

Just a reminder – the book is in an eBook form now. The paperback edition should be published by the end of the month yet is available for pre-ordering through Solid Ground Books at the link to the right.

(2) Once again, Ligonier has some excellent deals today in this week’s $5 Friday sale. The online sale starts at 8 a.m. EST and goes on for 24 hours or until items are sold out. Check out the $5 Ligonier sale here.

(3) Would you consider taking 5 minutes of your day to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters? You can read and pray over the World Watch List of 50 countries where the church is persecuted.

Michael Horton writes:

Newsweek‘s current cover-story is “The Global War on Christians in the Muslim World,” by Ayann Hirsi Ali, who fled her native Somalia and served in the Dutch Parliament before taking a position at the American Enterprise Institute. As the article points out, widespread anti-Christian violence is exploding even in countries with Muslim minorities. How do we respond wisely as Christians to this growing threat?

Horton goes on to give three actions we can take and work for: (1) prayer; (2) faithful witness; (3) human rights, not just Christian rights. You can read the whole thing here. (HT: JT)

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