Friday Round Up

(1) Justin Taylor interviewed Stephen Wellum, professor of Christian Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY) on the long standing issues of credo baptism (baptism made upon a profession of faith), the covenant of grace and infant baptism. The result was an interchange that is probably a lot more technical and theological for many people’s tastes but I am sure some of my readers will enjoy the insights found here.

(2) I love these two quotes concerning union with Christ:

Martin Luther: “By faith you are so cemented to Christ that He and you are as one person, which cannot be separated but remains attached to Him forever. Look now at what grace, life, peace, and righteousness is in me; it is His, and yet it is mine also, by that inseparable union which is through faith, by which Christ and I are made as it were one body in spirit.”

John Murray: “Union with Christ has its source in the election of God the Father before the foundation of the world and has its fruition in the glorification of the sons of God. The perspective of God’s people is not confined to space and time; it has the expanse of eternity. This union has two sides: one the electing love of God the Father in the counsels of eternity and the other glorification with Christ in the manifestation of His glory. The former has no beginning, the latter has no end. Why can the believer have patience in the adversities of this present time? Why can he have confident assurance with reference to the future and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God? It is because he cannot think of past, present, or future apart from union with Christ.”

(3) Even a broken clock is right twice every day! Even the person who does not know God is made in the image of God and with that, has insights that can be very helpful to us all concerning many aspects of life. I have found that if I have the attitude “everyone can teach me something” its amazing what I find I can learn each day, often from very surprising sources.

(4) Once again, Ligonier has some SUPER deals today in this week’s $5 Friday sale. The online sale starts at 8 a.m. EST and goes on for 24 hours or until items are sold out. Check out the $5 Ligonier sale here.

By the way, remember that for any purchase at Ligonier, click on the green Ligonier Ministries image to the right and when placing an order, use the code “EGRACE10” and it will give you a 10% discount as a reader of this blog.

(5) You will notice a couple of posts here on the blog this week that deal with defending the historical authorship of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) as well as Dr. Daniel Wallace’s two lectures on “Is What We Have Now What They Wrote Then?” I would encourage everyone to take a look at them (if you have not already done so). The attacks against the Christian faith in our day from men like Bart Ehrman have gone mainstream, and there’s no doubt our Christian young people need to be equipped with answers to the questions they will be confronted with in schools, Colleges and secular Universities. It is far better for them to hear solid answers concerning the textual issues of the Bible within the community of faith, than to be hit with these things for the first time in a hostile, secular environment. Its vital that our own children become aware of these issues and are armed with at least some of the answers.

Talking of Bart Ehrman, he is often quoted by Muslims when they attack the Bible. Yet here he explains why he does not criticize the Qur’an.

(6) I encourage you to check out the Reformation apparel by clicking on the Missionalwear logo to the right. There are some very cool items that have now become available for both men and women.

(7) Someone on the East Coast commented:
Wahoo! It is now 11:11:11 on 11/11/11. What an epic moment! Can you feel the exci….
Rats – it’s now 11:11:12… Excitement over. Back to work!

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