Friday Round Up

Seven things in no particular order:

(1) Last night I thoroughly enjoyed listening to an mp3 of Maurice Roberts describing “The Theology of Francis Turretin.” Its a terrific overview of one of the (mainly) forgotten but HUGELY influential men of the Reformation found if you decide to purchase material, you can claim a further 10% discount on these and on ALL Ligonier products as a reader of this blog by using the coupon code: EGRACE10

Talking of Ligonier, some time back I wrote a recommendation about one of their products “What is Reformed Theology?”:

“This series is an outstanding overview of the shape and contours of Reformed Theology. Dr. Sproul provides much clarity and insight as he shows how Reformed doctrine embraces all the major components of orthodox Christian teaching throughout Church history, while revealing the biblical distinctives. As a pastor, when people ask me what reformed theology is, its this series I point people to as a very helpful starting point.”

For the next two weeks or so, this CD series is available for any size gift here. I highly recommend it. If you already have the series – great. If so, perhaps it is something you might like to get as a gift for someone else.

(3) Galatians 1: 6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel — 7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.

“Justice is getting what you deserve, mercy is not getting what you deserve, and grace is getting what you don’t deserve.” The good news of the gospel concerns the grace of Christ. We should never assume people know this, and never get tired of proclaiming it. I recommend Justin Edwards’ article “Justice, Mercy and Grace” found here.

(4) David Powlison on the subject of repentance:

Dr. David Powlison – On Martin Luther’s first of the 95 Theses. from CCEF on Vimeo.

(5) From the Apologetics group – “Why I don’t go to Church”

(6) India Outreach:

You may remember we provided 10,000 copies of the Gospel tract I wrote “The Thief on the Cross” in the Malayalam language which were handed out to people in the state of Kerala at Easter time. The response and feedback to this very clear gospel presentation has been so encouraging that we made a tentative inquiry to find out how much it would cost for 100,000 tracts to be printed.

Whereas the cost for 10,000 tracts was approximately $400 USA Dollars, the cost for 100,000 tracts will be $2,600.00. This is the full cost, which includes paper, printing, shipping and distribution handling costs. As you can see, there is a substantial savings (per tract) when there is a larger quantity being printed.

Perhaps this Gospel outreach is something you or your church might like to get behind and support. If so, just write to me and I will give you further details.

Goal: $2,600.00

Amount received (as of 8/19/11): $330.00

(7) Cannibal jokes: * Did you hear the one about the two cannibals eating a clown? One said to the other… “Does this taste funny?”

* Two cannibals were sitting by a fire. The first says, “Gee, I hate my mother-in-law.”
The 2nd replies, “So, try the potatoes.”

* Two missionaries in Africa were apprehended by a tribe of very hostile cannibals who put them in a large pot of water, built a huge fire under it, and left them there. A few minutes later, one of the missionaries started to laugh uncontrollably.

The other missionary was incredulous, and said, “What’s wrong with you? We’re being boiled alive! They’re going to eat us! What could possibly be funny at a time like this?”

The laughing missionary said, “I just peed in their soup!”

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